Saturday, March 21, 2009

here we go...

i don't know if he'll even consider doing this with me. but i'm enough of a control freak to go ahead and start it and see if i can't push/bully/commander him into it.

today, we were driving to a store (The WalMarts) as it is referred to...and he wasn't switching lanes to put us in the correct turn lane. i glance over. he doesn't seem to be zoned out, but if he doesn't change lanes we are destined to end up in freakin' Vaughn, NM. what the hell is he thinking? do i say something? we are running out of time. but i don't want to nag.

and then, he turns right and says, "I just want to check something out first." he knew the whole time that every untoned muscle in my body was tensing up because of his chaotic driving.

he is wanting to check the movie offerings.

fine - but why can't he vocalize that to allay my stress!

his response, "I just want to see you freak out about it."

thus, here we a new world of blogging where we two control freaks will attempt to share our sides of the stories. kinda like that movie he said/she said but with better plot and actors.


  1. Brilliant, Laren! Absolutely brilliant. I'll be even more impressed if you get Drew on board. You write very well. This actually sounds like Zane and I. I'm the same way. But I've learned to just point. It's works well.
